Eyeglasses | SmartBuyGlasses Malaysia


Alcohol-free lens cleaner

After taking the time and effort in choosing your new glasses, it would be a shame not to look after them properly. Common results of improper care, such as scratched lenses are impossible to restore, so it is strongly recommended to care for them properly. There are a number of ways in which you can look after and clean your glasses, to both extend their life and ensure long-term satisfaction. 

Cleaning your eyeglasses

Your glasses can become dirty through everyday activities. Most people tend to grab the first thing they can find - the corner of a shirt or tissue paper - to give the lenses a quick cleanse. However, these habits can cause irreversible damage to your lenses.

Tissue paper and clothing - although they seem harmless - are composed of many small materials that leave micro scratches on your lenses. Most people are under the impression that scratched lenses have a negative impact from an aesthetic point of view, which they do, but what's worse is that scratches actually distort the way light is reflected through your lenses. This distortion can lead to eye irritation in the long run. 

To properly clean your glasses, a microfiber or lint-free cloth is recommended. These will also need to be washed regularly to make sure you aren't smearing your glasses with dirty cloth. It is not advisable to add fabric softener because this can cause streaks when cleaning your glasses.

When dealing with tough stains on your glasses, window cleaning fluid or saliva are some of the most common liquids used, but they are also harmful for your lenses. Aside from being unhygienic, using saliva to clean your glasses spreads dirt and particles, rather than removing them. In addition, the chemicals contained in window cleaning fluid are very corrosive, which are also very bad for lenses. 

The best method to clean your glasses is to use a mild, alcohol-free lens cleaner solution. You should spray the lenses liberally, using any dry spots to buff out smudges with a clean, microfiber cloth. We include a free lens cleaning kit with every eyewear purchase to ensure optimum care. 

Washing your eyeglasses

It is best practice to wash your glasses at least once a week. This is advised because natural oils from your hands, hair, eyelashes and face can cause a buildup of residue on your lenses, which can impair the effectiveness of your glasses. To do this, all you need to do is run your lenses under tepid, running water and add a few drops of alcohol-free lens cleaner. Gently rub the glasses and rinse them, drying with a clean microfiber cloth.

Storing your eyeglasses 

It is important to not only clean your lenses properly but also to store them correctly. A hard case will ensure that your glasses are protected when you are not using them. Because it is likely that you will wear your glasses in different places (and it is easy to forget your case), buying several cases and storing them in various locations where you spend the most time is an excellent way to avoid finding yourself without a case to store your glasses. Check out the Gucci GG 2248 M7A glasses which come with their iconic leather logo embossed case. 

For more information, watch out our video guide below and don't forget, you can also ask our opticians for more information!